​Gay Giordano
I was raised in New York City and the Bahamas. I have a BA in Creative Writing from Carnegie Mellon University and an MA in Philosophy from The New School for Social Research.
I write professionally about architecture and design. Articles have appeared in New England Fine Living, Vineyard Style, and other publications. I am the co-author of Illusion in Design: Trends in Architecture and Interiors (Rizzoli 2022) and New York Living: Re-Inventing Home (Rizzoli 2017), both with Paul Gunther.
My collection of poetry, "Waking From So Rich A Nightmare," was published by Cherry Grove Collections in 2015. My poetry and fiction have appeared in many publications, including Moveable Type, MASS Poetry, Mudfish, The South Carolina Review, The Oakland Review, Ghost Ocean Magazine, r.kv.r.y, ALittlePoetry.com, The Lullwater Review and others.
Writing residencies and awards include: The Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Mt. San Angelo, Virginia; The Noepe Center, Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts; The Dorland Mountain Arts Colony, Temecula, California; The Banff Center for the Creative Arts/The Leighton Artists’ Colony, Banff, Canada; Academy of American Poets Award, “Best New College Poet”, awarded by Donald Hall; Bennington College Writers-in-Residence program; and the Massachusetts State Poetry Prize, awarded by the University of Massachusetts.
Please feel free to contact me at: gay_giordano@hotmail.com